CoinDaily is a venture which has a history of evaluating and analyzing various ICO projects and crypto markets. CoinDaily’s aims to further enhance their platform by providing investors relevant information about ICOs, which will help them make better investment decisions and at the same time provide quality projects the opportunity to reach a wider audience.
Vollständiger Name | Coindaily (DAILY) |
Anfangsdatum | 2018-01-02 |
Algorithmus | N/A |
Beweisart | N/A |
Webseite | |
N/A | | | |
Blocknummer | N/A |
Zeit blockieren | N/A |
Belohnung blockieren | N/A |
Insgesamt abgebaute Münzen | N/A |
Bisherige insgesamt abgebaute Münzen | N/A |
Netto-Hashes pro Sekunde | N/A |
CoinDaily is a venture which has a history of evaluating and analyzing various ICO projects and crypto markets. CoinDaily’s aims to further enhance their platform by providing investors relevant information about ICOs, which will help them make better investment decisions and at the same time provide quality projects the opportunity to reach a wider audience.
Coindaily ICO will begin on January 31, 2019. The ICO token supply represents 38% of the total token supply, so there is a total of 7,600,000,000 DAILY tokens available. The ICO funding cap is 17,000 ETH and is expected to end on February 28, 2019 or when the funding cap is reached.
Token Reserve Split (62%): TBA.
Coindaily ICO features a bounty campaign.
ICO Status | Upcoming |
Token-Angebot | 20000000000 |
Anfangsdatum | 2019-01-31 |
Endtermin | 2019-02-28 |
Fundraising (BTC) | N/A |
Fundraising (USD) | N/A |
Startpreis (USD) | N/A |
Sicherheitsprüfungsgesellschaft | N/A |
ICO Rechtsform | Corporation |
ICO Zuständigkeit | Singapore |
Rechtsberater | N/A |
Blog | |
Weißes Papier | N/A |