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1INCH Technical Analysis: Positive Beam Is Almost Invisible

1INCH Technical Analysis: Positive Beam Is Almost Invisible

2022-04-28 14:30:07

Unfortunately, the March positive in the form of 1INCH price growth did not grow into a new trend. As we can see on the weekly chart, rapid growth and increased trading volumes are not yet an indicator of the strength of buyers. Especially if for almost a year before the 1INCH price fell steadily. For 4 weeks of March, buyers were able to raise the 1INCH price by 55%. Instead, sellers lowered the price before the start in the same 4 weeks and made twice as much effort. https://www.tradingview.com/x/y5MHLb4y/ Therefore, nothing will stop sellers from continuing to fall to the critical mark of $1. This mark is the last chance for buyers to change the market situation. Below $1 in the 1INCH market, a long-term depression will begin and the search for a strong foundation to stop falling prices. Thus, a positive scenario for the cryptocurrency 1INCH is to stop the price near the $1 range and start a set of positions for growth in the form of consolidation. The beginning of a new growth trend can be considered the fact that the price is fixed above $1.3. As soon as buyers manage to break the mark of $1.3 and fix above it in the weekly timeframe, it will be a signal for conservative investors to buy 1INCH cryptocurrency with a target of $1.9. Technical Analysis Of 1INCH On The Daily Timeframe https://www.tradingview.com/x/ruhoECAJ/ Analyzing the price movement of 1INCH on the daily timeframe, we can not yet find clues to the local po...

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