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Crypto Spotlight: ViaBTC’s Strategic Partner SAI.TECH Goes Public on Nasdaq

Crypto Spotlight: ViaBTC’s Strategic Partner SAI.TECH Goes Public on Nasdaq

2022-05-05 06:00:47

ViaBTC’s strategic partner SAI.TECH Global Corporation (“SAI.TECH” or “SAI”), a clean-energy-driven Bitcoin mining operator with leading energy-saving solutions to the computing, power, and heating industry, officially listed on Nasdaq on May 2, 2022 (EST). The Class A ordinary shares and warrants of SAI commenced trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market on May 2, 2022, under the new ticker symbols “SAI” and “SAITW,” respectively. The recognition for SAI.TECH among institutional and individual investors will undoubtedly give rise to a new paradigm for crypto mining and sustainable energy growth. Following the latest industry trend, SAI.TECH will bring fresh momentum to the sustainable future of crypto mining. As ViaBTC’s strategic partner for SaaS solutions, SAI.TECH is a global energy-saving Bitcoin mining operator and a clean-tech company that integrates Bitcoin mining, heating, and power industries. At the moment, recycling clean, renewable energy is a primary technological goal in crypto mining, and the sector is witnessing the emergence of projects that focus on clean energies like solar power, hydropower, and recovered waste heat. For example, in Canada, some have started to use the heat generated by BTC mining to heat farming greenhouses and fishponds. Meanwhile, Slovakia, a small European country, has built biogas plants to power BTC mining. In fact, apart from crypto mining, Web 3.0, which paints the...

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