Cardano (ADA) is the most recent token to be added to the list of cryptocurrencies supported by Robinhood, a platform for investing without commission, which is actively expanding its support. Holders of ADA can now buy and sell their Cardano holdings without paying extra commissions or transaction costs. Robinhood Announced Cardano Trading Robinhood announced the listing via Twitter after receiving many requests to list Cardano on the marketplace (ADA). However, since the service has not yet begun, users must wait before beginning their deal. Residents in NV, HI, and, for some crypto assets, NY are presently not eligible for Robinhood cryptocurrency transactions. You asked… @Cardano is now on Robinhood #ADA #CryptoListing — Robinhood (@RobinhoodApp) September 1, 2022 According to Robinhood, the listing is the result of user demand, and trading in the cryptocurrency is anticipated to start right away, the site said in a tweet on September 1. Under the current weak market in cryptocurrencies, investors in ADA have not yet shown excitement about the listing due to the token’s stagnant price. Notably, the listing of ADA occurs before the launch of Cardano’s Vasil hard fork later this month. The upgrade will provide the platform with more scalability and is considered optimistic. Robinhood Accelerated the Listing of New Coins In 2022, after first slowing down, Robinhood, which has...