Infinitecoin (IFC) is a peer-to-peer open source cryptocurrency that is based on Litecoin (which was in turn inspired by Bitcoin), except that it will have 1142.86 times as many coins, and the difficulty with which coins are produced is adjusted more frequently.
전체 이름 | InfiniteCoin (IFC) |
시작 날짜 | 2013-05-06 |
알고리즘 | Scrypt |
Proof Type | PoW |
웹사이트 | http://infinitecoin.com/ |
트위터 | @Infinitecoin_US |
페이스북 | N/A |
레딧 | N/A |
블록 넘버 | 2641189 |
블록 시간 | 10 |
블록 보상량 | N/A |
암호화폐 총 채굴량 | 90,595,753,019 IFC |
사전 채굴량 | 90,596,277,249 |
초당 순 해시속도 | N/A |