The world is waking up to the reality of the metaverse buzz and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are making the trends online. Decentralized finance (DeFi) remains a concept lost in the excitement of a digital world and digital property. DeFi plays a role in bringing all the concepts together in a space where users can own and exchange value over blockchain ecosystems. But how exactly does DeFi stand out in the metaverse story? The following pointers do tell: What is Decentralized Finance? DeFi is a phrase in many conversations involving blockchain and cryptocurrencies, yet it does not attract as much attention. So, what is DeFi? The term refers to a financial ecosystem without a regulatory body to oversee transactions or value transfers between users. It is a user-user interaction that involves value exchange in the form of crypto, NFTs, or other valuable assets. The takeaway in the meaning of DeFi is the absence of a third-party entity moderating the value exchange based on predetermined rules. DeFi projects are becoming popular with the establishment of web 3.0 facilities that will sustain the needs of the metaverse. The new decentralized internet will ensure customer-centred strategies for social and financial outcomes in the digital and physical realms. But what is the difference between DeFi and metaverse? The answer can only make sense with an illustration of the concepts. Consider the metaverse to be a virtual form of...