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How Landshare Real Estate NFTs Will Let Your Earn Yield From Real-World Assets

How Landshare Real Estate NFTs Will Let Your Earn Yield From Real-World Assets

2022-04-09 03:51:56

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have created new opportunities for investors. As a new asset class, it has the potential to attract billions in capital from multiple sectors and revolutionize its business model by empowering its owners. This is the objective of Landshare Real Estate NFTs, powered by its Asset Tokenization Technology. A first in the NFT sector, Landshare enables its holders to own real-world property on the blockchain and generate a yield. In that way, investors can generate double value by owning a real-world asset, collecting monthly income, and generating a yield by earning LAND NFTs. The extra rewards can amount to as much as a 40% extra Annual Percentage Rate (APR). In contrast, an investment in the traditional real estate sector could yield around 4% annually. In addition to the 40% APY mentioned, Landshare NFTs provides its users with a staking system that can boost rewards to as much as 57%. This represents a 1225% increase in terms of a typical real estate investment. As a bonus, users can skip management fees, third parties, and maintenance fees, and make their investment more efficient in terms of capital by leveraging Landshare’s NFTs. The company is set on creating a new mechanism to invest in a real state by bringing these two sectors. This will make it more accessible for investors around the world to access the market. In the current macro-economic environment, with a U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) ...

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