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A New Era of E-commerce -Bringing Crypto to the Masses

A New Era of E-commerce -Bringing Crypto to the Masses

2022-04-26 13:04:38

Cryptocurrency may be a hard-to-grasp concept for many, but as e-commerce develops, crypto may become the mainstream option for consumers. This makes an opportunity for businesses to come up with sustainable, user-friendly models to make widespread adoption easier. Over the last 3 years, the term “cryptocurrency” has lodged itself firmly in the minds of people, regardless of whether they invest in it. The technical aspects of it, however, remain less understood, and for much of the public, this knowledge feels inaccessible. This is understandable, given how crypto is still in its early stages and not widely used. However, that’s all about to change as the race to establish cryptocurrency as the top alternative to traditional banking intensifies, making cryptocurrency a norm. This transition will give rise to “c-commerce” or crypto-commerce. The rise & evolution of e-commerce The Covid-19 pandemic caused a massive shift to digital retail in 2021, marking a new era in retail and e-commerce. The global e-commerce market went from $3.354 trillion in 2019 to $4.981 trillion in 2021 and is now expected to total $5.55 trillion by the end of 2022. Where 2 years ago, people were frantically attempting to catch up and adopt new technology, in 2022, it has become a lifestyle. Over the next 5 years, innovation and growth in digital activities will enable the e-commerce market to evolve too. In fact, it has already begun. E-commerce gi...

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