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Volume Of Bitcoin Illiquid Supply Points To Growing Bullish Sentiment

Volume Of Bitcoin Illiquid Supply Points To Growing Bullish Sentiment

2022-02-02 20:30:17

The way bitcoin holders move the BTC in and out of their wallets can often be a strong indicator of where the market might be headed next. Not just the movements of the asset, but where they are being moved to. An example of this is when more investors are moving their holdings to exchanges, which means that sell sentiment has risen and investors are dumping their coins, and vice versa. In this same line, looking at the liquid and illiquid supply of bitcoin can also be another strong indicator. And this time around, the percentage of bitcoin supply that remains illiquid point towards a bull trend and hold sentiment among investors. Bitcoin Illiquid Supply At 4-Year Highs Bitcoin illiquid levels have shot up in the past few years. In 2017, the total illiquid supply of BTC had risen above 76%. This number had remained under this level for the next four years, until now. Currently, the total BTC illiquid supply has risen back above 76% to its present 76.%. It points to more investors being more interested in holding their assets for the long term. Related Reading | Bitcoin Supply On Exchanges Hits New Multi-Year Low Of 13.27% Total liquid and highly liquid supply are split between 23.8% of the supply. The illiquid supply is held in wallets that show little to no history of spending of any kind. These wallets have held on to their holdings for longer than a year for the most part, and their history point towards the owners be...

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