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Former Bored Ape Yacht Club Artist Enhances Sneaky Vampires Syndicate Utility And Inclusion Through Second Collection

Former Bored Ape Yacht Club Artist Enhances Sneaky Vampires Syndicate Utility And Inclusion Through Second Collection

2022-02-21 16:45:19

Competition continues to heat up in the NFT space, yet very few collections provide long-term utility. However, Sneaky Vampire Syndicate’s team is preparing to launch the Sneaky Vampiress collection, which is integral to the project’s future. Moreover, the new collection pays homage to the many female MFT artists who remain undervalued in this industry. The Success of Sneaky Vampires Syndicate Thousands of NFT collections have come to market over the past year and a half. Some are more successful than others, yet success comes in different forms. A high overall trading volume is often a good indicator. However, collections also need to offer long-term utility to remain relevant, which is much harder to come by. Sneaky Vampires Syndicate is one of the few collections checking both boxes. Thanks to over 21,700 ETH in total trading volume, SVS is one of only 63 NFT collections to date capable of surpassing 21,000 ETH in sales. That is remarkable, given the sheer amount of NFT collections being created every week. Moreover, the collection of 8.888 male vampires notes over 1,400 holders, confirming a strong interest in what this collection provides. Furthermore, the team recently achieved strong real-world utility coinciding with the new Scream movie release. To expand the utility of Sneaky Vampires Syndicate, the team will launch a secondary collection. Like the male vampires, the Sneaky Vampiresses are created by form...

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