SWAPS.NETWORK is an OTC Global Liquidity Pool. It accumulates all deals on the market and connects sellers and buyers from around the world.
SWAPS.NETWORK provides fully decentralized OTC solutions. Users can make OTC deals without a 3rd party or escrow.
*OTC stands for “over the counter,” meaning assets can be traded through a dealer network rather than over an exchange.
全名 | SWAPS Network (SWAPS) |
开始日期 | 1901-12-13 |
算法 | ETH Token |
证明类型 | N/A |
网站 | https://swaps.network/ |
@mywishplatform | |
N/A | |
N/A | |
块号 | N/A |
阻止时间 | N/A |
阻止奖励 | N/A |
开采的总硬币 | N/A |
以前的总硬币开采 | N/A |
每秒净哈希值 | N/A |
SWAPS.NETWORK is an OTC Global Liquidity Pool. It accumulates all deals on the market and connects sellers and buyers from around the world.
SWAPS.NETWORK provides fully decentralized OTC solutions. Users can make OTC deals without a 3rd party or escrow.
*OTC stands for “over the counter,” meaning assets can be traded through a dealer network rather than over an exchange.
SWAPS Network IEO began on July 16, 2019. The IEO token supply represents 70% of the total token supply, so there is a total of 70,000,000 SWAPS tokens available, for 0.043 USD each. The IEO funding target is 300,000 USD, the funding cap is 3,000,000 USD and is expected to end on TBA, or when the funding cap is reached. Any unsold/remaining tokens will be burned.
Token Reserve Split (30%):
SWAPS Network IEO features a bounty campaign and a 15% bonus for investments within the first 10 minutes of the token sale.
ICO 状态 | Ongoing |
令牌供应 | 100000000 |
开始日期 | 2019-07-16 |
结束日期 | N/A |
募集资金 (BTC) | N/A |
募集资金 (USD) | N/A |
开始价格 (USD) | 0.043 |
安全审计公司 | N/A |
ICO法律表格 | Corporation |
ICO管辖权 | N/A |
法律顾问 | N/A |
博客 | https://medium.com/@VladimirTikhomirov |
白皮书 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q0GaNrd-5UOHfBE1q363kkyHWSOYCM97/edit |