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Idexo launches CDK to help mint NFTs on Telegram and Twitter

Idexo launches CDK to help mint NFTs on Telegram and Twitter

2021-09-27 19:26:00

TL;DR Breakdown • Users can earn NFTs using social networks like Telegram.• Idexo will support the minting of NFT projects using an original API. One of the most prominent companies in NFT solutions, Idexo, announces its new project that will deal with a CDK (Community Development Kit) system. This mechanism would benefit from the integrated application programming interface to support the company’s expansion in social networks. Idexo has long wanted to form a link with social networks such as Telegram so users can earn non-fungible tokens daily. In this way, the NFT solutions company will be the most famous in the world for developing a system that everyone can use. Idexo advances develops NFT-supporting API The company has facilitated the creation of NFTs solutions in alternate Blockchains and programming interfaces for video games. With this way of working, the firm has raised over 2 million dollars just in September. The funds have been allocated to these solutions with non-fungible tokens for Dapps and games like Plants vs Undead or Axie Infinity that fall into the category. Blockchain Alterna’s non-fungible token APIs allow NFT fanatic developers to create programs that cover various objectives. These solutions make the NFT market grow because the number of participants is increasing. However, making this virtual auction market attractive to crypto fans requires great solutions. APIs are more accurate solut...

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