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AAVE Technical Analysis: Rounding Reversal Preps To Exceed $76

AAVE Technical Analysis: Rounding Reversal Preps To Exceed $76

2022-07-08 10:30:54

AAVE price has jumped 26% in the last four days to complete the rounding bottom pattern with a neckline at $76, indicating a potential bullish breakout. Key technical points: AAVE prices have jumped by 7.71% in the last 24 hours. The price action shows a rounding bottom completion in the daily chart. The 24-hour trading volume of AAVE is $334 Million, indicating a hike of 130%. Past Performance of AAVE The AAVE prices have been trending lower within a falling wedge pattern in the daily chart resulting in a drop to the psychological mark of $50. However, the recent price jump breaches the resistance trendline and forms a round bottom pattern with the neckline at $76. The rounding bottom pattern accounts for a 26% Jump last week but shows signs of struggling to surpass the $76 neckline. Source- Tradingview AAVE Technical Analysis The higher price rejection in the AAVE daily candle shows an intensified selling pressure at the $76 neckline. However, the lack of support from the trading volume weakens the bearish intent possibility of a bullish breakout significantly. With the starting of a rounding bottom, the MACD indicator shows a bullish trend in the fast and slow lines. Moreover, the rising trend in the bullish histograms signifies an increase in the buying pressure, adding points to the breakout theory. Joining the bullish side, the RSI indicator shows an increase in the underlying bullishness as the slopes surpass the Halfwa...

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