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Altcoin Exchange Dominance Rises To 50%, What Does It Mean For Bitcoin?

Altcoin Exchange Dominance Rises To 50%, What Does It Mean For Bitcoin?

2022-10-24 19:00:03

Data shows the altcoin dominance by volume on exchanges has now risen to 50%, here’s what happened to Bitcoin the last two times the crypto market saw such a shift. Altcoins Are Now Contributing To 50% Of The Volumes On Exchanges As pointed out by an analyst in a CryptoQuant post, altcoins have started to dominate after Bitcoin was number one for an entire month. The relevant indicator here is the “trading volume,” which is a measure of the total amount of coins being traded on centralized exchanges. The percentage to this total trading volume being contributed by an individual crypto is called its “dominance by volume.” Here is a chart that shows how the Bitcoin, Ethereum, and altcoin dominances have stacked up against each other during the last month: The value of the metric seems to have declined for BTC in recent days | Source: CryptoQuant As you can see in the above graph, Bitcoin had the largest individual share for much of the past month, but that has changed during the last few days. BTC’s dominance of the trading volume dropping off has given more room to the altcoins, who now contribute to around 50% of the volumes on exchanges. Related Reading: Bitcoin Bearish Signal: Dormant Supply On The Move Again As for Ethereum, the crypto’s volume hasn’t observed any significant shifts recently, with the coin’s dominance moving sideways just below the 30% mark. During ...

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