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Seety, Belgian Startup, Launches Bitcoin Payment For Parking Sessions

Seety, Belgian Startup, Launches Bitcoin Payment For Parking Sessions

2021-09-04 19:30:20

The adoption of crypto as a payment method for everyday goods and services has risen in recent months. Digital parking startup, Seety, has made it possible to pay for parking tickets with Bitcoin in some Belgian cities. According to a report by DataNews on Thursday, the Belgian startup released this crypto payment feature in Antwerp and Brussels. Related Reading | New To Bitcoin? Learn To Trade Crypto With The NewsBTC Trading Course In addition to Bitcoin, users can also use other digital currencies to make payments. The options include cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and stablecoins like DAI and USD coin. The company expects cryptocurrencies to become more environmentally friendly in due course, meaning they will increasingly be used to pay for everyday goods and services. How Seety Works To use crypto coins to pay for a parking space via Seety, users can purchase Seety credits on the app. The transaction costs are the same as for the payment by credit card. Seety features an interactive map on its app that helps users locate the cheapest or free parking spots. Additionally, they can determine the prices and parking regulations for any street or parking lot in town. A community feature notifies a member in case a parking officer is spotted near their car. With Seety, users can find the cheapest parking zones, avoid parking fines and pay for their parking in two clicks. Total crypto ma...

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