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Bitcoin Exchange Balances Decline To Three-Year Low Amid Rising Prices

Bitcoin Exchange Balances Decline To Three-Year Low Amid Rising Prices

2021-10-27 23:00:46

Bitcoin exchange balances have been on the decline since the bull rally began. The volumes were expected to go up once the digital asset had hit a new all-time high in October. However, this was not the case. Previous trends have often pointed to exchange balances seeing an increase in bull markets when investors moved their holdings to exchanges in order to take profits. This bull market has defied all expectations for it and continues to do so. Outflows from exchanges outpace inflows as investors withdraw BTC from exchanges en masse. Exchange balance volumes relative to the circulating supply of bitcoin have declined towards three-year lows. BTC exchange balances now sit at levels not seen since January 2018. This has led to a supply squeeze on exchanges, causing sell pressures to drop tremendously. Related Reading | American Singer Mariah Carey Offers Free $20 In Bitcoin To Promote Adoption Big Exchanges See Declining Balances Big exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, and Huobi have seen large volumes of bitcoin withdrawn from their exchanges. Binance recorded the highest outflows for the last week with 21,000 BTC withdrawn from the crypto exchange. This is one of the sharpest declines recorded in the market. BTC exchange balances continue to decline | Source: Arcane Research Huobi also saw thousands of BTC leave the exchange in the past week. The past seven days save 8,000 BTC withdrawn from the cryptocurrency exchan...

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