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Gemini Launched Staking for MATIC, DOT, SOL, and ETH

Gemini Launched Staking for MATIC, DOT, SOL, and ETH

2022-08-19 13:13:25

The debut of Gemini Staking was announced by cryptocurrency exchange Gemini. Customers in Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United States (except New York) will be able to acquire and retain stake prizes. Gemini is one of the most established and well-known exchanges. Its competitors managed hundreds of millions or billions of dollars within the same period, but it only managed $52 million over 24 hours. Starting on August 18, customers may secure their belongings inside their accounts and receive a reward on Polygon’s MATIC token. In the near term, staking will also be accessible for Polkadot (DOT), Ethereum (ETH), Audius (AUDIO), and Solana (SOL). Through Gemini’s support programs, customers can stake and unstake any quantity of cryptocurrency without incurring any fees. In addition to covering infrastructure expenses and gas prices related to staking and unstaking, the corporation will also pay for cutting fines and other ways to recover staking penalties. Ethereum Merge The much-awaited Merge of the Ethereum blockchain, set for September 15, coincides with other cryptocurrency companies expanding their staking options. Gemini made its statement at the same time. Franck Kengne, Product Manager at Gemini, stated that – “The launch of Gemini Staking underscores our continued commitment to offering a full suite of innovative options for our customers to put their crypto assets to work.”The post Gemini Launched Staking for MATIC, D...

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