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Do Kwon Says He Is Not Hiding As The Crypto Search Intensifies

Do Kwon Says He Is Not Hiding As The Crypto Search Intensifies

2022-09-27 10:45:35

According to Seoul’s prosecutors, Interpol had asked law enforcement agencies worldwide to find and detain the missing 31-year-old cryptocurrency entrepreneur. Kwon and five others have been charged with offenses, including breaking capital markets law. Do Kwon took to Twitter on Monday to say that he’s “making zero effort to hide.” “I go on walks and malls,” he added. Yeah as i said im making zero effort to hide I go on walks and malls, no way none of CT hasnt run into me the past couple weeks — Do Kwon 🌕 (@stablekwon) September 26, 2022 Do Kwon Relocated To Singapore Kwon relocated from South Korea to Singapore earlier this year, where he maintained a base for the defunct Terraform Labs project. Still, it is unclear where he is now after the city-state announced on September 17 that he had left. The prosecution subsequently intensified the search for him. Given that law enforcement authorities worldwide were working together to find and detain Kwon, experts predicted that his arrest and repatriation to his country might only be a matter of time. Prosecutors in South Korea have charged the co-founder of Terraform Labs and five friends with financial fraud and breaking the country’s capital market laws. After he informed law enforcement via his attorney that he had no intention of coming for interrogation, prosecutors also sought Seoul’s foreign ministry to revoke Kwon’s South Korean passport. TerraUSD Collapse Terraform Labs...

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