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Neo Launches NeoNS, Enters The Decentralized Identities World

Neo Launches NeoNS, Enters The Decentralized Identities World

2022-09-29 07:15:51

Today, Neo announced its entry into the world of decentralized identities with the NeoNS NFT-based domain name service – the first Neo name service provider on Neo N3. NeoNS offers a more simplified, practical, and functional experience within the Neo ecosystem or beyond the system. With NeoNS, the company extends its all-in-one, feature, and dApp-rich environment, expanding developer and user-friendly solutions like decentralized oracles, NeoFS, and NeoID. With the introduction of NeoNS, the company intends to continue to develop crucial Web3 infrastructure that enables users to navigate the web with more comfort, freedom, security, and privacy. 🎉Today we are pleased to announce the launch of #NeoNS – the first Neo name service provider on #Neo #N3! 💚NeoNS offers a more streamlined, efficient and functional experience within the Neo ecosystem and beyond. Click for more details: https://t.co/qEXF1K2bhE — Neo Smart Economy (@Neo_Blockchain) September 29, 2022 NeoNS – All-In-One dApp Rich Ecosystem NeoNS eliminates the need to know and maintain lengthy and complex addresses by providing users with an easy-to-remember way to aggregate Neo N3 wallets in one location. Businesses will also profit from domain ownership with NeoNS NFT installed, which assures that only the domain owner may access or filter the content related to the domain. NeoNS supports connecting both existing DNS domains and files under decentralized domain alia...

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