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Ethereum Price Squeezes Shorts Positions, ETH Could Be Set For More Gains

Ethereum Price Squeezes Shorts Positions, ETH Could Be Set For More Gains

2022-10-03 19:48:28

Ethereum is following the general sentiment in the market as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies make a run towards previous highs. The second cryptocurrency by market cap knocked some gains over today’s trading session but seems poised for a re-test of its lows before moving to the upside. Related Reading: LUNC Price Gains 50% Despite Kwon’s Troubles, What’s Driving It? At the time of writing, Ethereum (ETH) trades at $1,300 with a 2% profit in the last 24 hours and in the last week. Unlike in previous rallies, ETH’s price is lagging larger cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, the number one crypto that records a 4% profit over the same period. Ethereum At Critical Point, Will It Finally Breakout? Today’s bullish price action seems to be prompted by a rebound across legacy financial markets, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 have been trading in the green giving cryptocurrencies room for a run. The bullish price action is leading to a change of sentiment across the digital asset class as investors turned optimistic. Over the weekend, with traditional markets close, the situation was different and market participants were gearing up for a potential leg down. According to a pseudonym trader, Ethereum saw a spike in Open Interest (OI) against the U.S. dollars. This increase in OI was recorded as the cryptocurrency trended to the downside. Therefore, the analyst claims that the metrics hinted at a spike in short (sell) positions from t...

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