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CryptoRank Lists Top Bitcoin Wallets Holding Over 5% of Total BTC Supply

CryptoRank Lists Top Bitcoin Wallets Holding Over 5% of Total BTC Supply

Coin Edition
2024-12-07 13:03:05

CryptoRank has identified the blockchain wallets holding the highest amount of Bitcoin. CEXs dominate the richest individual Bitcoin wallets category. Individual wallets hold 5.27% of the total Bitcoin supply. CryptoRank’s latest report brought out the wealthiest Bitcoin wallets, with a Binance cold wallet leading the pack at $24.33 billion—holding 1.26% of the total Bitcoin supply. While the report doesn’t reveal wallet owners, it sheds light on the concentrated storage pattern that could influence market sentiment. Top 10 Richest Bitcoin Addresses The analysis of the Richest #Bitcoin Addresses won’t reveal who holds the most $BTC , as funds can be spread across multiple wallets. However, we can see that thousands of Bitcoins are stored in CEX wallets, and thousands more have been… pic.twitter.com/a53WWKM58x — CryptoRank.io (@CryptoRank_io) December 6, 2024 According to CryptoRank’s X post, the Binance cold wallet with 248,598 BTC holds the most Bitcoins in a single wallet. The wallet’s estimated Bitcoin value is $24.33 billion, representing 1.26% of the total Bitcoin supply. In fact, CryptoRank found two Binance Cold Wallets among the richest Bitc… The post CryptoRank Lists Top Bitcoin Wallets Holding Over 5% of Total BTC Supply appeared first on Coin Edition .

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