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Google CEO Sundar Pichai Says He’s ‘Looking at Blockchain’

Google CEO Sundar Pichai Says He’s ‘Looking at Blockchain’

2022-02-02 12:15:11

Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai said that they are watching the blockchain space closely and looking at how they might contribute to the ecosystem and add value as a company. Answering a question on Web3 during the company’s Q4 earnings call on Tuesday, Pichai said how blockchain technology can be used to power computing and services layers for the likes of YouTube and Google Maps. Pichai further said that the company’s Google Cloud team is currently exploring how they can support customers’ needs in building, transacting, storing value, and deploying new products on blockchain-based platforms. “Any time there is innovation, I find it exciting, and I think it is something we want to support the best we can. The web has always evolved, and it’s going to continue to evolve and as Google, we have benefited tremendously from open-source technologies, and so we do plan to contribute there,” Pichai said. “Overall, I think technology will continue to evolve and innovate, and we want to be pro-innovation and approach it that way,” he added. Exploring Open-Source Technologies Pichai further added that Google has benefited tremendously from open-source technologies and outlined “several areas of interest,” such as augmented reality. “AR is a big one at the computing layer. We’ve been investing there for a long time and will continue to play a role. And it’s something both not just at the computing layer, the services layer, be it ...

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